
Swift and MySQL

Type casting

Type casting in Swift is a way to check the type of an instance or to treat that instance as a different superclass or subclass from somewhere else in its own class hierarchy. Swift uses two operators for type casting:

  1. is: This operator checks the type of a value and returns true or false depending on the check.
  2. as? or as!: These operators try to cast a value to another type. as? returns an optional value (either the cast value or nil), and as! forcefully unwraps the optional (which will trigger a runtime error if the cast fails).

Checking Type

You can use the is operator to check the type of a value:

let myValue: Any = 5
if myValue is Int {
   print("It's an integer.")
} else {
   print("It's not an integer.")


When you're sure that the downcast will always succeed, you can use as!. However, if the downcast can fail, it's safer to use as?.

class Animal {}
class Dog: Animal {}
let pet: Animal = Dog()
// Using as?
if let aDog = pet as? Dog {
   print("Successfully downcast to Dog")
} else {
   print("Failed to downcast to Dog")
// Using as!
let anotherDog = pet as! Dog // Be cautious; this can crash if the downcast fails.


Upcasting is generally safe and is guaranteed to succeed. You can upcast a class to one of its superclasses, which is implicitly done by the compiler most of the time. However, you can also explicitly use the as operator for this.

let myDog: Dog = Dog()
let myAnimal = myDog as Animal // Upcasting to superclass

Type Casting with UIKit

In UIKit, type casting is frequently used to identify the kind of UI element in a collection like UITableView or UICollectionView.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
   let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath)
   if let myCustomCell = cell as? MyCustomTableViewCell {
       // Configure MyCustomTableViewCell
   return cell

Any and AnyObject

Swift provides two special types (Any and AnyObject) for working with nonspecific types:

  • Any can represent an instance of any type.
  • AnyObject can represent an instance of any class type.

These types are often used in Swift's API to represent data that can be of any type, but they are less type-safe and should be used cautiously.

var items: [Any] = [5, "John", 3.14]
for item in items {
   switch item {
   case let anInt as Int:
       print("Integer value: \(anInt)")
   case let aString as String:
       print("String value: \(aString)")
   case let aDouble as Double:
       print("Double value: \(aDouble)")
       print("Unknown type")

In this example, we define an array items that can hold values of any type. We then iterate through the array and use type casting to identify the type of each item.

Swift's type casting operators provide a powerful way to work safely with the type system, making it easier to write flexible, reusable code.