
Swift and MySQL

advance operator

Advanced operators in programming languages like Swift allow you to perform more complex operations beyond basic arithmetic and comparison. Swift includes a variety of such operators, including bitwise, overflow, and others. Here is an overview of some of the advanced operators in Swift:

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise AND &: Takes two numbers, compares their binary representations, and returns a new number with a 1 in each position where both numbers have a 1.

let a: UInt8 = 0b1100
let b: UInt8 = 0b1010
let result = a & b  // result will be 0b1000

Bitwise OR |: Sets a bit to 1 if either or both of the numbers have a 1 in that position.

let result = a | b  // result will be 0b1110

Bitwise XOR ^: Sets a bit to 1 if the numbers differ at that position.

let result = a ^ b  // result will be 0b0110

Bitwise NOT ~: Flips all the bits in a number.

let result = ~a  // result will be 0b0011


Shift Operators

Left Shift <<: Shifts all bits in a number to the left by a certain amount.

let a: UInt8 = 0b0001
let result = a << 1  // result will be 0b0010

Right Shift >>: Shifts all bits in a number to the right by a certain amount.

let a: UInt8 = 0b0100
let result = a >> 1  // result will be 0b0010


Overflow Operators

Overflow Addition &+: Adds two numbers and wraps the result if it overflows.

let a: UInt8 = 255
let b: UInt8 = 1
let result = a &+ b  // result will be 0

Overflow Subtraction &-: Subtracts two numbers and wraps the result if it underflows.

let a: UInt8 = 0
let b: UInt8 = 1
let result = a &- b  // result will be 255

Overflow Multiplication &*: Multiplies two numbers and wraps the result if it overflows.

let a: UInt8 = 16
let b: UInt8 = 16
let result = a &* b  // result will be 0

These are just some examples. The Swift programming language also offers a variety of other operators and capabilities that allow for advanced and efficient programming.