
C++ and MySQL


A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Stacks are analogous to a pile of plates in a cafeteria: the last plate placed on the top is the first one taken off.

Why Use Stacks?

Stacks are used in situations where you need to manage data in a specific order, particularly when the order of operations matters. They are often used in algorithms, such as depth-first search (DFS), and in managing function calls in programming languages.

Structure of a Stack

A stack can be implemented using arrays or linked lists. It has two primary operations:

  • Push: Adds an element to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Removes and returns the element at the top of the stack.

Additional operations that are often associated with stacks include:

  • Peek/Top: Returns the top element of the stack without removing it.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the stack is empty.
  • isFull: (In the case of a stack implemented using a fixed-size array) Checks if the stack is full.

Basic Operations on Stacks

Push Operation: Inserting an element onto the stack is straightforward. If using an array, you add the element at the next available index. If using a linked list, you insert the new node at the head of the list.

Pop Operation: Removing an element from the stack involves returning the element at the top of the stack and then updating the top pointer to the next element. If the stack is implemented using an array, you decrease the index of the top element. If using a linked list, you adjust the head pointer to the next node.

Peek/Top Operation: This operation allows you to view the top element of the stack without modifying the stack itself. It’s useful when you need to check the most recent element without removing it.

isEmpty and isFull Operations: These operations check the status of the stack. isEmpty returns true if the stack has no elements, while isFull is relevant in an array-based stack, indicating whether the stack has reached its capacity.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stacks


  • Simplicity: Stacks are easy to implement and understand.
  • Efficient Memory Use: Memory allocation in a stack can be dynamic, growing and shrinking as needed (particularly with a linked list implementation).
  • Order Preservation: Stacks maintain the order of elements, which is crucial for certain algorithms and operations.


  • Limited Access: Only the top element of the stack is accessible, which may not be suitable for all data storage needs.
  • Fixed Size: In array-based stacks, the size is often fixed, which can limit flexibility.

Implementing Stacks in C++

Here’s a basic example of a Stack implemented using an array:

#include<iostream>#define MAX 1000classStack {
   int top;
   int arr[MAX]; // Maximum size of StackStack() { top = -1; }
   boolpush(int x);
boolStack::push(int x){
   if (top >= (MAX - 1)) {
       std::cout << "Stack Overflow\n";
   else {
       arr[++top] = x;
       std::cout << x << " pushed into stack\n";
   if (top < 0) {
       std::cout << "Stack Underflow\n";
   else {
       int x = arr[top--];
       return x;
   if (top < 0) {
       std::cout << "Stack is Empty\n";
   else {
       int x = arr[top];
       return x;
   return (top < 0);
   Stack stack;
   std::cout << stack.pop() << " popped from stack\n";

For a stack implemented using a linked list, you would create a linked list where the head of the list represents the top of the stack, and the push and pop operations involve inserting and removing nodes from the head.

Real-World Applications of Stacks

Stacks are used in many real-world applications:

  • Function Call Management: In programming, stacks are used to manage function calls, storing local variables, and returning addresses.
  • Expression Evaluation: Stacks are used to evaluate postfix expressions or to convert infix expressions to postfix.
  • Undo Mechanism in Text Editors: The stack structure allows for the implementation of undo operations in applications like text editors, where the most recent action can be undone first.
  • Backtracking Algorithms: Stacks are used in algorithms like depth-first search (DFS), where they help in backtracking through the search space.

Advanced Topics (Optional)

Advanced topics in stacks include:

  • Implementing Stacks using Queues: This involves using two queues to simulate stack behavior, providing an interesting exercise in understanding data structures.
  • Recursive Function Calls: Understanding how stacks are used to manage recursive function calls in programming.
  • Stack-Based Memory Allocation: Discussing how stacks are used in memory allocation, particularly in the context of stack frames in function calls.


Stacks are a fundamental data structure with wide-ranging applications, particularly in scenarios where the order of operations is crucial. Mastering stacks is essential for understanding more complex data structures and algorithms, making them a vital part of any data structures course.