
C++ and MySQL

hash table

A hash table is a data structure that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve data using a key-value pair. It uses a hash function to compute an index (or hash code) into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. Hash tables are fundamental in implementing associative arrays, database indexing, caches, and sets.

Why Use Hash Tables?

Hash tables offer average-case constant time complexity, O(1)O(1)O(1), for search, insert, and delete operations, making them one of the most efficient data structures for these operations. They are particularly useful when dealing with large datasets where quick lookups are essential.

Basic Terminology and Structure of Hash Tables

Understanding the basic concepts of hash tables is crucial:

  • Key: The identifier used to retrieve a value from the hash table.
  • Value: The data associated with a key in the hash table.
  • Hash Function: A function that takes a key and computes an index (hash code) for the array. The goal is to distribute keys uniformly across the array.
  • Bucket: A slot in the hash table array where values are stored. Each bucket may contain one or more values depending on the collision resolution strategy.
  • Collision: A situation where two different keys produce the same hash code and therefore map to the same bucket.
  • Load Factor: The ratio of the number of elements in the hash table to the number of buckets. A higher load factor may lead to more collisions.

Hash Functions

The hash function is critical to the performance of a hash table. A good hash function should:

  • Distribute keys uniformly: This minimizes collisions and ensures that keys are spread evenly across the hash table.
  • Be fast to compute: The efficiency of the hash table depends on how quickly the hash function can compute an index.
  • Deterministic: The hash function should always produce the same hash code for the same key.

Common hash functions include:

  • Division Method: The hash code is the remainder of the division of the key by the number of buckets.
  • Multiplication Method: A key is multiplied by a constant fractional value, and the resulting fractional part is multiplied by the size of the table.
  • Universal Hashing: A randomized approach where the hash function is chosen at random from a family of hash functions.

Collision Resolution Strategies

Collisions are inevitable in hash tables, so strategies are required to handle them:

Chaining: Each bucket contains a linked list of entries that hash to the same index. If a collision occurs, the new entry is added to the list at that bucket.

structHashNode {
   int key;
   int value;
   HashNode* next;


Open Addressing: All entries are stored in the hash table itself. If a collision occurs, the algorithm searches for the next available bucket using a probe sequence.

  • Linear Probing: If the desired bucket is occupied, the next bucket is checked, and so on, until an empty one is found.
  • Quadratic Probing: Similar to linear probing, but the interval between probes increases quadratically.
  • Double Hashing: Uses a second hash function to calculate the step size for probing, reducing clustering.

Basic Operations on Hash Tables

Insertion: To insert a key-value pair, the hash function computes the index from the key. If the bucket is empty, the pair is inserted; otherwise, a collision resolution strategy is employed.

Deletion: Deleting an entry involves finding the key using the hash function and then removing the key-value pair. Special handling is needed in open addressing to ensure that subsequent searches do not fail.

Search: Searching for a value involves applying the hash function to the key and then accessing the corresponding bucket. If the key is not found in the bucket, the collision resolution strategy is used to continue the search.

Rehashing: When the load factor exceeds a certain threshold, rehashing is triggered. The hash table is resized, and all entries are rehashed to the new table, reducing the load factor and improving efficiency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hash Tables


  • Fast Lookups: Hash tables provide constant time complexity for search, insertion, and deletion operations on average.
  • Efficient Memory Usage: With a good hash function and appropriate collision resolution, hash tables use memory efficiently.


  • Collisions: Handling collisions can complicate the implementation and degrade performance in the worst case.
  • Inefficient for Range Queries: Hash tables do not maintain any order of keys, making them unsuitable for tasks requiring ordered data, like range queries.
  • Hash Function Dependence: The efficiency of a hash table is highly dependent on the quality of the hash function.

Implementing Hash Tables in C++

Here’s a basic example of a hash table implemented using chaining in C++:

#include<iostream>#include <list>#include <vector>classHashTable {
   std::vector<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>> table;
   int bucketCount;
   inthashFunction(int key){
       return key % bucketCount;
   HashTable(int buckets) : bucketCount(buckets) {
   voidinsert(int key, int value){
       int index = hashFunction(key);
       table[index].push_back({key, value});
   voidremove(int key){
       int index = hashFunction(key);
       auto& cell = table[index];
       auto it = cell.begin();
       while (it != cell.end()) {
           if (it->first == key) {
               it = cell.erase(it);
           } else {
   intsearch(int key){
       int index = hashFunction(key);
       auto& cell = table[index];
       for (auto& pair : cell) {
           if (pair.first == key) {
               return pair.second;
       return-1; // Indicates not found
       for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
           std::cout << "Bucket " << i << ": ";
           for (auto& pair : table[i]) {
               std::cout << "[" << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << "] -> ";
           std::cout << "null\n";
   HashTable ht(7); // 7 buckets
   ht.insert(10, 20);
   ht.insert(15, 25);
   ht.insert(20, 30);
   ht.insert(17, 35);
   std::cout << "HashTable contents:\n";
   std::cout << "\nSearching for key 15: " << ht.search(15) << "\n";
   std::cout << "\nAfter removing key 15:\n";

This example demonstrates a simple hash table using chaining to handle collisions, with basic operations like insertion, deletion, and search.

Real-World Applications of Hash Tables

Hash tables are used extensively in various applications:

  • Database Indexing: Hash tables are used to quickly locate data in databases by indexing keys.
  • Caching: Web browsers and servers use hash tables to cache frequently accessed data for faster retrieval.
  • Symbol Tables in Compilers: Hash tables are used to store and retrieve variable names and function definitions quickly.
  • Associative Arrays: Languages like Python (dictionaries) and JavaScript (objects) use hash tables to implement associative arrays.

Advanced Topics (Optional)

Advanced topics in hash tables include:

  • Dynamic Resizing and Rehashing: Exploring strategies for resizing hash tables to maintain efficiency as the dataset grows.
  • Perfect Hashing: A theoretical concept where a hash function perfectly distributes keys with no collisions, used in specific applications where the key set is known in advance.
  • Probabilistic Data Structures: Exploring structures like Bloom filters, which use hash functions to represent sets in a space-efficient way, allowing for quick membership checks with a controlled probability of false positives.


Hash tables are a powerful data structure that provides fast and efficient data retrieval using key-value pairs. They are widely used in computer science for tasks requiring quick lookups and are an essential part of understanding data structures and algorithms. Mastering hash tables equips learners with the ability to solve a wide range of computational problems efficiently.